Pana la urma cred ca pentru unii blogul e o modalitate de a se pacalii singuri

Eu oricum am o plapuma cu vacute garnisita cu o pisica de 6 kile transformata in masina de tocat degete,picioare,nas,manute etc.
Ma doare'n pula de trafic,bloggeri cunoscuti/necunoscuti,premii si asa mai departe,ma doare fix la degetu mic de la piciorul stang daca citeste cineva randurile astea sau se pisa pe ele.
Pot sa fiu sincera?ma scarbesc blogurile,nu nu ,scarba e putin spus.
Da da,stiu vorbeam eu de toleranta,dar nu are nici o treaba cu ce scriu aici,acum.Ce vreti?mie nu-mi mai plac filmele de duminica cu americani veseli.
Si daca va imaginati ca sunt vreo suparata pe viata---->wrong.
Uite dedicatie:
I just realized I left my favorite hat in the club last night
Which ticks me right off 'cause I
Had that cap since I was real-real small
Then find out just right now
That my main squeeze went through my phone
So I guess I'm single now
Imagine that
So I sneak right on The T
The conductor sees me
He's kicking me right off with a frown
I grab my bag and I walk on
Comm. Ave., I hit up Blanchard's
They sell cheap wine, I got six bucks
Bag rips, wine smash
Drink it up avoid the glass
But I can't help from just smiling
When that damn sun is shinning on
Hell, It's just
Shinning down all over me
No, I can't help but just smile
While that damn sun is shining on
Dang it's just shining down
Down over me
So now I call up my friend
'Cause his girl must be bored, see
She's been spreading rumors about me
That I robbed her party, but I never had
I pull out my little disc man
I bought from a crackhead down in Reno
But my Melt-Banana Cd
Is all scratched up
I think it's stupid all the people who are moaning
Yeah moaning on
While the sun is shining down
On our city streets
Even all the things people say
Naw, ain't affecting me
Not when that damn sun
Is shining down over me
Shining down on me
Born to just never care
About the stupid things
People moan everyday
So later on I meet Johnny Trouble
At a bar called Shay's, a spit from Charlie's
We sit outside talking about girls
How they're loons but we like them anyway
No money for pints at the bar
We bring a backpack full of Pabst
Under the table we fill our glass
So me and Johnny just sit outside
Warmed by that summer night
While those city stars are shining
Down on our streets
And I just can't help from smiling
While those damn stars are shining down
Yeah those stars are shining
Over our city streets
No, I won't be caught moaning
Not when light is still shining down
And me and Johnny
Warmed by that damn summer heat
And I can't stop from just smiling
When those damn stars are shining on
Yeah, those stars are shining
Over our city streets
Can you imagine that?
Nu se spune formatia si nici piesa,pentru ca nu vreau sa infulecati si voi din formatia asta.
Eu merg la concertele la care chiar imi doresc sa merg,nu pentru ca merge tot poporul roman si ca e mare show,ma doare-n pula.
cine chiar vrea poate sa dea un google la versuri si sa gaseasca cum se numeste mel ;))
Of Mix,nu ai inteles.Ce naiba,e misto sa faci pe interesanta.Lasa-mi placerea.S-a spart balonul si plang.
Vezi ca doare destul de rau cand te lovesti la degetul mic
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